Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments

The Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel displays the amortization and calculated payment schedule for a traditional repayment plan. This panel also allows users to manually generate the payment schedule for a non-traditional repayment plan. Additionally, users are able to view scheduled payments associated with a repayment plan.

In order for this panel to display within the workspace, it must be included in the Repayment Plan Screen configured in System Management > Modules > Recovery.

A traditional repayment plan is created using the Recovery module's calculate repayment functionality. Upon clicking , the Payment Amount or Term, Maturity Date, Remaining Payments, and Next Due Date fields are updated and a payment schedule is automatically created. 

A non-traditional repayment plan is manually created by adding payments to the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel. These types of plans allow recovery agents to set up irregular payments that do not follow a traditional amortization schedule.

If  is clicked, the non-traditional repayment plan is replaced with the schedule created from the calculation process.

This topic includes an overview of the panel, as well as instructions for editingaddingrecalculating, and deleting the scheduled payments for a repayment plan.

Panel Overview

The Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel consists of a grid that displays all scheduled payments associated with a repayment plan and a series of action buttons that allow users to manage scheduled payments.

The content and functionality available within the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel depends on a repayment plan's status.

  • If a repayment plan has a status of Inactive, only a few columns that are pertinent to the repayment plan's creation display.
  • If a repayment plan has a status of Active, Delinquent, Cancelled, or Completed, additional columns display historical payment data.

Additionally, the availability of certain action buttons is determined by repayment plan status. For more information on the available buttons, see the Action Buttons section within this topic. For more information on the available columns, see the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments Grid section within this topic.

Action Buttons

At the top of the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel, the following buttons are available:

Button Description

Click this button to add a new scheduled payment (row) beneath the highlighted row. If a payment is not selected, a row is added to the bottom of the grid.

This button is disabled within the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel when the repayment plan is Active or Completed.

Click this button to delete a scheduled payment (highlighted row).

This button is disabled within the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel when the repayment plan is Active or Completed.

Click this button to initiate the process that calculates the remaining balance on each payment for the repayment plan.

This button conditionally displays within the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel and does not appear when the repayment plan is Active.

Click this button to allow users with the Modify Active Repayment Plan Payments permission to recalculate a repayment plan's interest, payments, and balances based on plan modifications. 

In order to use this functionality, the Modify Active Repayment Plan Payments permission must be set to Change for the User and/or Security Group. This permission appears in the Recovery category of the Permissions tab in System Management > Users and System Management > Groups > Security Groups.
This button only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, or Cancelled.

Upon clicking this button, the Recalculate Repayment Plan pop-up window opens. For more information on the recalculation process, please see the Recalculate Repayment Plan section within this topic.

Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments Grid

The grid within the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel displays the following columns of information for each payment :

Column Description
Payment #

Displays the order in which a scheduled payment is to be repaid. The values displayed in this column automatically generate when a payment is added. 

Scheduled Date

Provides the ability to view and edit the date that a payment is scheduled. Upon adding a payment, the scheduled date defaults to:

  • Current day + 15 days, if adding the first payment
  • The previously scheduled payment + 30 days, if adding a subsequent payment

To edit the scheduled date, click within the cell and manually enter the date or select the desired date from the calendar tool.


When entering dates, the following shortcuts are available to users:

Shortcut Behavior
Shift + Adjusts the date by adding one month
Alt + Adjusts the date by adding one week
+ Adjusts the date by adding one day
Shift - Adjusts the date by subtracting one month
Alt - Adjusts the date by subtracting one week
- Adjusts the date by subtracting one day
If an invalid date has been entered, the date displays in red font.


The following validation occurs when a date is entered to ensure the scheduled date is valid:

  • Scheduled Date cannot be blank.
  • Dates must be entered as MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Payments cannot be scheduled on or after the next payment.
  • Payments cannot be scheduled on or before the previous payment.
Payment Amount

Provides the ability to view and edit the payment amount. Upon adding a payment, this value defaults to the previous payment amount.

If an invalid payment amount has been entered, the amount displays in red font.


The following validations occur when entering a scheduled payment amount:

  • Payment amounts cannot be $0.00.
  • Payment amounts cannot be negative.
  • Payment amount must be a numeric value with only one decimal.  
  • Payment amounts are rounded to two decimal places.
Historical Amount

Displays the scheduled amount that existed when the repayment plan was created. This field allows the user to identify the original amount the repayment plan was created with. 

This field only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, Completed, or Cancelled.
Payment Status

Identifies whether a scheduled payment is Scheduled, Paid, Paid Late, or Late.

This field only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, Completed, or Cancelled.
Number of Payments

Displays the number of payment type transactions for a scheduled payment. This value is calculated based on the number of payment transactions associated with the payment.

This field only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, Completed, or Cancelled.
Amount Paid

Displays the sum of all payment transactions paid to fulfill the scheduled payment.

This field only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, Completed, or Cancelled.
Date Paid

Displays the date that the payment was satisfied in full. If multiple payments were made to reach the full payment amount, this field displays the date when the entire payment was paid in full.

This field only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, Completed, or Cancelled.
Remaining Balance Displays a running total of the payment plan's balance, after interest has been accrued and the scheduled payment has been applied.
Historical Remaining Balance

Displays the remaining balance that existed when the repayment plan was created. This field allows users to understand ther remaining balance the repayment plan was created with. It also allows users to identify how the repayment plan was affected by the timing of the transactions.

This field only displays once a repayment plan has been activated and has a status of Active, Delinquent, Completed, or Cancelled.
Modified By

Displays the name of the user who last edited the scheduled payment.

If no edits have been made to the scheduled payment, the name of the user who created the scheduled payment displays. If the scheduled payment was created by the system, this field is blank.
Modified Date

Displays the date and time when the scheduled payment was last edited.

If no edits have been made to the scheduled payment, the date and time when the scheduled payment was created displays. If the scheduled payment was created by the system, this field is blank.

Adding a Scheduled Payment

The  button is disabled within the Repayment Plan Scheduled Payments panel when the payment plan is active.

To manually schedule a payment for a repayment plan:

Prior to a repayment plan being activated, users are able to navigate to different cells within the grid by using the up and down arrows.

Additionally when entering dates, the following shortcuts are available to users:

Shortcut Behavior
Shift + Adjusts the date by adding one month
Alt + Adjusts the date by adding one week
+ Adjusts the date by adding one day
Shift - Adjusts the date by subtracting one month
Alt - Adjusts the date by subtracting one week
- Adjusts the date by subtracting one day
If an invalid date has been entered, the date displays in red font.
If  is clicked, the non-traditional payment plan entered by the user is removed and replaced with the schedule created from the calculation process.

Editing a Scheduled Payment

Users are unable to edit scheduled payments for active payment plans.

To edit a payment:

Recalculating a Payment Plan

Users with the Modify Active Repayment Plan Payments permission are able to recalculate a repayment plan's interest, payments, and balances based on plan modifications.

Recalculating payment plans allow institutions to ensure the interest is properly calculated based on the payment amount and timing.

  • If a payment is received earlier than the scheduled date, the amount of interest accrued daily is less than expected, resulting in a lower remaining balance for the remaining payments.
  • If the payment is received after the scheduled date, the amount of interest accrued daily is more than expected, resulting in a higher remaining balance for the remaining payments. 

To recalculate a repayment plan, click . The Recalculate Repayment Plan pop-up window opens.


Within this window, the following fields are available:

Field Description
Current Balance

Displays the repayment plan's outstanding balance.

This value is read-only and inherited from the repayment plan.
Solve For

Select an option from the drop-down list to indicate whether the calculator solves for the repayment plan's Payment or Term.

On a traditional repayment plan, this field defaults to the Solve For value selected for the Repayment Plan. On a non-traditional repayment plan where a Solve For value was not selected, this field defaults to Payment.
  • Selecting Payment disables and clears the Payment field.
  • Selecting Term disables and clears the Term field.
Payment Amount

Enter the amount the debtor is to pay at each scheduled payment.

This field defaults to the repayment plan's existing Payment Amount.
Payment Frequency

Select one of the following options from the drop-down list to indicate how often the debtor must make payments towards the repayment plan.

This field defaults to the Payment Frequency of the Repayment Plan. If a Payment Frequency is not defined, this field defaults to Monthly.
Payment Frequency Option Description
Bi-weekly Payments are to be made once every other week for the length of the repayment plan term.
Monthly Payments are to be made once a month for the length of the repayment plan term.
Semi-monthly Payments are to be made twice a month for the length of the repayment plan term.
Weekly Payments are to be made once a week for the length of the repayment plan term.
Next Due Date

Displays the date when a repayment plan's next payment is due. 

This value is read-only and inherited from the repayment plan.
Next Payment Date

If a debtor is unable to pay the next scheduled payment on the next due date, but wants to keep the repayment plan, this field allows users to modify the repayment plan's payment schedule. Within this field, enter the modified next due date for the repayment plan payment.

This field defaults to the current day + 15 days.

Enter the number of payments for a repayment plan based on the Payment Frequency Type.

This field defaults to the number of remaining payments (payments in a Scheduled or Late status) for the repayment plan.

Once the desired fields are changed, click . The Recalculate Repayment Plan pop-up window closes and the following occurs:

The existing paid payments remain on the original repayment plan.
The Audit - Account screen reflects any changes made to repayment plan fields as a result of recalculations.

Click to close the Recalculate Repayment Plan pop-up window without recalculating the repayment plan.

Deleting a Scheduled Payment

The  button is disabled when a repayment plans has been activated.

To remove a scheduled payment from a repayment plan in an Initialized status: 



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